Right now I’m having the opportunity to read the book Worship Matters, by Bob Kauflin.  So far, my favorite quote of his in the book is, “The better we know God through His Word, the more genuine our worship will be.”  There are so many ways to worship God – the possibilities are endless!  Whether we are singing, playing an instrument, dancing, or just spending time alone with Him, we can still be worshiping.  However, our worship is nothing if we have the wrong attitude.  Bob Kauflin also says in His book, that if our hearts are cold towards God, our worship will be lifeless.  Meaningless.  Worship is a condition of the heart.  You must have the right attitude towards God to be truly worshiping Him.  The verse Colossians 3:16 really goes with this entire idea.  It says, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

I love singing on the praise team on Sunday mornings!  But … I have a confession.  The first few times I did it, my heart really wasn’t in the right place.  I was worried about what I sounded like, and if I would sing the right words, and get the right harmonies, and if my voice would crack or not, and so on.  I had so many thoughts going through my head that I wasn’t focusing on what I was doing.  I was supposed to be worshiping, and I was!  But guess what – my heart wasn’t in it, so it meant absolutely nothing.  Every once in a while, I’ll still catch myself worrying about what I sound like, but then I have to tell myself, that I’m not singing for me… or everyone in the audience… or even the other people on stage.  I’m singing for God – to worship Him.  And when it comes right down to it, He really doesn’t care how I sound.  He just cares about my heart – if it’s in the right place, and if I’m really trying.  That’s what He calls a “joyful noise”.  (Psalm 95:1)

By: Faith Jarrett