As I stand rolling Christmas cookies in powdered sugar, I lift my eyes and catch a glimpse of my digital picture frame on the far wall.  A picture of my children appears on the screen… and then another.  I watch the scenes change as my hands mindlessly pick up another cookie, roll it in sugar and place it in my grandmother’s cookie jar.

kakissI think back to the days when my children were small . . . And when I was small, and it was my grandmother who rolled these same cookies, to fill the same blue jar.  Who knew, some 40 years later, her efforts would be a cherished memory and an ongoing tradition? (He did, of course!)

I flip through the seasons of my life, the pictures clear in my head: The joys and the sorrows, the moments I’d love to relive and those for which I am grateful have passed.  These varied experiences have shaped me into the woman I am today.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord….”, I think to the plaque of Jeremiah 29:11, which hangs on the wall behind me.  He has known each moment:  each smile and each tear. He knows when I am walking closely beside Him, and when I am running ahead or falling behind.  Yet, every moment, each experience, He links perfectly to the next.

I am reminded of how He continually surrounds me with the people I need in my life – men and women who support me when I am struggling, and who challenge me to grow, and deepen my relationship with Him.  I recall the women who walked beside me during my divorce, and how He has used me to walk with other women in their times of need.

I glance back to the picture frame.  I see my infant daughter and my dear friend, Karen, who died several years ago.  I am reminded of His presence during that time – sweet and comforting.   I also remember how He taught me to better understand “Love never ends” when my father died a few months later.

He is continually teaching, and continually calling me into a better life.

Every day I live, there are new experiences; opportunities to “be still and know . . .”;  opportunities to get to know Christ more and more intimately; and opportunities to live out what I have been shown.

I get to listen to His call and His instruction:  “walk” or “stand”, “rest” or “do”.

I get to choose whether I will accept these opportunities . . . to be grateful . .  to serve . . . to glorify Him.

For even before I knew Him, He was there . . . weaving the moments of my life into a story.

My Story.

My story of His redeeming love.

May I live it well.

“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward.”

~Soren Kierkegaard