I think most of one’s personality is formed in childhood from parents, siblings and playmates.  I’ve heard parents say, “I don’t compliment my child much because I don’t want them to get the big head”. Children somehow get good personality traits by copying the good traits of their parents, or avoiding their bad traits.  Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.” It is the responsibility of parents to train their children.

It isn’t easy to do but a person can change their personality by making a conscious effort to do so.  For instance, when they realize they have a bad habit or a sin, they can confess it to the Lord and pray for help in forsaking it.

Sometimes a person may not realize they have certain personality faults. Remedies for this are prayer, Bible reading and Christian friends who might tell you, in order to help you, without making you mad.

The Holy Spirit is another help for change for Christians.  Most of the original twelve disciples were uneducated fishermen with various personality flaws before they received the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised them they would receive power to become witnesses for the Gospel.

I once read of a man that said, before he became a Christian, he used a lot of filthy language. After he became a Christian,  he would still think about saying something ugly but a voice within said “don’t say that” and that would prevent him from saying the wrong things.

In Philippians Paul said “Let your graciousness be known to everyone, the Lord is near.”  Thankfulness is emphasized all through the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks for everything for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”  Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

By continually striving to take on the attributes of Christ, we can improve personality and our lives.

by  “Papa Duane” Mayhew